About me

Welcome! I’m Di Yue (yuè ), a fourth-year undergraduate student at School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), Peking University, where I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Shaofeng Jiang. In summer 2024, I spent a wonderful month visiting Weizmann Institute of Science, where I had the privilege of working with Prof. Robert Krauthgamer.

My research interest lies in theoretical computer science, especially computational problems in geometric settings. Currently, I am working on dimension reduction for geometric optimization problems.

I’m actively seeking for a Ph.D. position starting from Fall 2025 in the field of TCS. Please feel free to contact me via email.


  • [Nov. 2024] Our paper “Near-Optimal Dimension Reduction for Facility Location” is available on arXiv.
  • [Oct. 2024] One paper got rejected by SODA 2025.